Ari Puonti. Leading Pastor Ari also serves as National Leader of Vineyard Churches in Finland. He has a master’s degree in Theology and graduated as a Teacher of Religion and Psychology. Ari has served for over twenty years in Christian ministry. During those years he has equipped churches in the areas of healing prayer and how to live as Christian in post-modern society. He has written four books on these themes.
Ben Alder. Leader of Worship Ministry Originally from the UK, Ben is married, a musician and songwriter. He has been involved in worship ministry for around 20 years, including in the Anglican and United Reformed churches in the UK. He has also ministered in SW Asia, Germany and around Finland, and previously served as director for Burn 24/7 Bradford and Burn 24/7 Helsinki.
Helsinki Vineyard-seurakunta, PL 850, 00101 Helsinki